Project Highlights: Background

When we call upon generative AI, we go beyond its definition as it itself represents the ‘World of opportunity in AI product development as a multifaceted gem”. It is there to generate capabilities and for sectors actively seeking reformation. One such project we undertook for one of our clients is a reflection of such sector reformation, where we collaboratively focused on Using generative AI capabilities to create a programme employed for facilitating self-learning practice for students, having much-needed answers to the question: Can generative AI be used ethically in the education system?

What Capabilities Did We Inculcate In The Programme?

  • User Inputs
  • Admins can enter lesson content or context into the system based on user input in the AI product development process to enable the AI program to cater to the specific curriculum needs of each student. By inputting tailored lesson materials, admins can ensure that the learning experience is aligned with the student's current curriculum and individual learning requirements. This promotes engagement and deeper understanding for students as they receive personalised and relevant educational content.

  • Personalised Content Generation
  • The programme generates personalised questions and learning content based on the input lessons, catering to each student's unique needs and learning pace. This capability enhances academic outcomes and cultivates a rewarding and efficient learning experience, empowering students to maximise their abilities.

  • Mock Test Module
  • The system creates mock tests that mimic actual exam conditions, helping students prepare more effectively with targeted Practice. Mock tests can focus on areas where the student needs more practice, as identified through data analysis, ensuring efficient use of study time.

  • Evaluation System
  • The system provides instant evaluation of student responses, allowing students to quickly understand their mistakes and learn the correct answers. It also helps students track their progress over time and identify trends in their learning journey.

  • Feedback To Students
  • The system offers detailed feedback on performance, including explanations for correct and incorrect answers, promoting a deeper understanding of the material. In doing so, AI in product development advocates for data-driven decision-making, reducing time-to-market and improving product quality by identifying potential issues early in the development cycle.

  • Data Analysis
  • The system utilises robust data analytics as the backbone for generating accurate responses and feedback. Through integrated AI and insightful analytics, we analyse user inputs to identify learning patterns, strengths, and areas for improvement, offering valuable insights to students, educators, or parents. This data-driven approach enables the system to adapt the learning experience dynamically, ensuring each student engages with the material at an optimal challenge level aligned with their progress.

Tech For Purpose: What potential challenges does this AI program tend to overcome?

  • To overcome the barriers to lack of personalised attention
  • To solve the problem of time constraints for educators/parents
  • To overcome resource limitations
  • To bridge the gap between adequate and constructive student engagement
  • To empower students with confidence and foster their development

AI for Generation(s)

Deploying AI in product development for such tech for purpose based on generative AI capabilities has equally to do with ethical considerations as with long-term impact—this is something that has to stay for sustenance. Based on personal experience with this project, we aimed to intricately employ generative AI capabilities integrated with other corresponding tech solutions in a way that empowers, educates, and emphasises user inputs. However, a common concern that arises is whether such a tool or program might hinder the natural cognitive capabilities of children. The answer lies in the ethical and optimal utilisation of the model by maintaining authoritative control. These programs are not intended to replace the traditional education system but to serve as a supportive, tech-enabled resource designed to help children explore, upgrade, and enhance their capabilities, thereby building a strong intellectual foundation for future generations.

    A learning lounge - Learn What We Learnt From This Project

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  • Training educators to effectively use our AI tools was essential, requiring a significant shift from traditional methods and considerable effort. We constantly grappled with ethical considerations around data privacy, AI decision-making, and ensuring fairness in automated grading.
  • Ensuring the security of student data was a top priority, necessitating robust cybersecurity measures and compliance with data protection regulations.
  • Scalability was a major technical hurdle. The system needed to support a large number of users simultaneously without compromising performance. This involved optimising the AI algorithms and ensuring that our infrastructure could handle peak loads.

What does our project manager have to say? Developing this AI program for kids has been both challenging and rewarding. While there are hurdles to overcome, the potential to revolutionise learning and offer a personalised model makes it all worthwhile. We don't stop once the project is delivered; instead, we see it as a continuous development process. Additions and improvements are integral to keeping up with evolving needs, and each project we undertake provides a new learning opportunity.


Summing up, we would like to highlight one more significant aspect of the project. As we stand on the cusp of disruptive AI-powered technologies and tools being integrated into various streams and sectors, the question arises: what impact will this have on the educational framework at large? It is imperative to note that technology should not speed up or replace the cognitive abilities that education authorities foster. Instead, it must uphold its fundamental standards by empowering educators and students alike. At Sumcircle, our motive in building a generative AI product for the client kept this fundamental mindset at the forefront, as we aim to employ more such AI tech developments across sectors globally.