How to Optimize Your Magento - Adobe Commerce Store for SEO in 2024

Imagine being in a bustling place where everyone is rushing or walking briskly, each trying to reach their destination or grab attention. In such a scenario, what can make one person stand out from another who is moving at the same speed? Now, replace these people with websites or e-commerce platforms in the digital marketplace. In a crowded digital space where every platform is striving to capture users' attention, what do you think can differentiate one platform from another when they are all moving at the same pace? Is it the user experience, the design, the unique offerings, or perhaps the personalised content that sets one apart from the rest? While all these factors are equally essential, considering the 'functionality' with a progressive approach and understanding the landscape on which it operates is crucial. The search engine algorithm for Google is crucial in determining the effectiveness and reach of your website efforts. In this blog, we’ll explore essential technical aspects for optimizing your Adobe Commerce or Magento site and how Magento experts from an Adobe Commerce Agency can guide you through this optimization process with their technical expertise.

Magento SEO: How Do Tech Experts (Magento experts) Facilitate Effective Optimization Strategies?

  • Improving Indexing and crawling efficiency of pages
  • Overcoming JavaScript rendering issues
  • Simplifying the Magento site’s URL structure
  • Setting Up XML Sitemap in Magento
  • Configuring the Robots.txt File


Improving Indexing and crawling efficiency of pages

An index is a massive database that contains information about all the web pages the search engine has discovered and appears in search engine results pages (SERPs) for relevant queries. Proper indexing ensures that the search engine understands a page's content and context, which can positively influence its ranking. This includes inspecting site architecture, minimising crawl, implementing crawl directives, using canonical tags, blocking internal search result URLs in the robots.txt file to stop search engines from crawling these pages and more that your site requires to enhance visibility.


Overcoming JavaScript rendering issues

JJavaScript-heavy sites can face challenges with search engine bots that may struggle to render and index JavaScript content. Magento experts can implement strategies to overcome these issues. This includes Implementing SSR to generate fully rendered HTML pages on the server and conducting JavaScript Optimization: by minimising the use of JavaScript where possible by deferring non-essential scripts,


Simplifying the Magento site’s URL structure

Using relevant parameters can significantly impact the simplicity of the URL structure by creating short, descriptive, SEO-friendly URLs with improved performance. Tech experts may utilise Magento's URL rewrite functionality to create custom, SEO-friendly URLs and seamlessly redirect old URLs to new ones.


Setting Up XML Sitemap in Magento

An XML sitemap is a roadmap for search engines, listing all the important pages of your site to ensure they are crawled and indexed effectively. This includes generating an XML sitemap, optimising sitemaps, and focusing on key technical areas to fetch higher traffic and ranking.


Configuring the Robots.txt File

The robots.txt file specifies which URLs search engine robots can and cannot access on your Magento eCommerce site. In the context of the Magento 2 SEO strategy, configuring the robots.txt file is crucial for regulating the access search engine crawlers have to your site’s content.

How to Decide Between Adobe Commerce and Adobe Open Source?

One of the most considerable differences between Adobe Commerce and Adobe Open Source is the level of support and services provided. Adobe Commerce users benefit from a dedicated support team, along with additional services like cloud hosting and managed upgrades. Adobe Commerce also offers exclusive features, including extensive B2B functionality, which can enhance business operations. While similar functionalities can be achieved in the Open Source version through custom development and extensions, Adobe Commerce agency can help with simplifying the process with built-in solutions and integrate software such as ERP, PIM, POS systems, and stock and order management tools into both Magento Commerce and Magento Open Source, ensuring a comprehensive and efficient eCommerce platform. However, establishing a strong, flexible, and resilient technical groundwork is crucial when implementing SEO or building an Adobe Commerce store. This is where we can potentially help by leveraging custom solutions alongside built-in features of the platform - Adobe Commerce to enhance the platform’s performance and reliability.


Nevertheless, speed optimisation using techniques like lazy loading, performance optimisation, integrating CDN for optimum content delivery, integrating backlinks, minimising HTTP requests, optimising images and code, and leveraging browser caching are some of the typical tech formulas implemented that we explained in our previous blog. At Sumcircle, we assist businesses in building their Adobe Commerce stores through customisation by partnering as an Adobe Commerce agency. We handle the technical functionalities to enhance SEO strategies and drive better results for businesses. For personalised support and to discuss how we can help, contact us today.